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Know Your Risks

A pregnant woman passes antibodies to her unborn baby through the placenta to protect against certain diseases. How long does this natural immunity last?

Female Sexual Development See All
A closer look at the structure of the breast....more
Breast development happens in certain stages during a woman's life: first before birth, and again at puberty and later during the childbearing years. Changes also happen to the breasts during menstruation and when a woman reaches menopause. ...more
Some breast changes or conditions are related to a young woman's menstrual cycle, but others may occur at any time. Most breast conditions are benign. ...more
Your breasts change at different stages of your life. Breast self-awareness is knowing how your breasts normally look and feel. This can help you to find even small changes right away. ...more
The female pelvic area contains a number of organs and structures: the endometrium, uterus, ovaries, cervix, vagina, and vulva. ...more
 Amenorrhea in Teens in Female Sexual Development
Amenorrhea is when a girl's menstrual bleeding (period) doesn't occur....more
Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) are severe, painful cramps that occur with menstruation....more
Vaginal bleeding and discharge are a normal part of a teen girl's menstrual cycle. If your daughter notices anything different or unusual, talk with your teen's healthcare provider. ...more
A closer look at the structure of the breast....more
Breast development happens in certain stages during a woman's life: first before birth, and again at puberty and later during the childbearing years. Changes also happen to the breasts during menstruation and when a woman reaches menopause. ...more
Some breast changes or conditions are related to a young woman's menstrual cycle, but others may occur at any time. Most breast conditions are benign. ...more
Your breasts change at different stages of your life. Breast self-awareness is knowing how your breasts normally look and feel. This can help you to find even small changes right away. ...more
The female pelvic area contains a number of organs and structures: the endometrium, uterus, ovaries, cervix, vagina, and vulva. ...more
 Amenorrhea in Teens in Female Sexual Development
Amenorrhea is when a girl's menstrual bleeding (period) doesn't occur....more
Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) are severe, painful cramps that occur with menstruation....more
Vaginal bleeding and discharge are a normal part of a teen girl's menstrual cycle. If your daughter notices anything different or unusual, talk with your teen's healthcare provider. ...more
Male Sexual Development See All
The male reproductive anatomy includes the bladder, epididymis, penis, scrotum, and prostate gland. ...more
In an uncircumcised boy, the foreskin will begin to separate from the tip of the penis. This happens naturally while the boy is a baby. This is called foreskin retraction. ...more
Teen dating violence is worrisome. But it's not inevitable. Here's how you and your teen can prevent possibly unsafe situations and reduce the risk for problems. ...more
 Puberty: Teen Boy in Male Sexual Development
During puberty, a teen boy will grow taller and heavier, and hormones will lead to sexual maturity. Read on to learn what to expect. ...more
Epididymitis is an inflammation or infection of the epididymis. This is a thin, coiled tube that sits on top of a male testicle. In younger boys, this condition can be caused by a urinary tract infection. In older boys and teens, it's often caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI). ...more
A varicocele is when veins in the scrotum have become large and swollen (dilated). The condition is like varicose veins that occur in the legs. Here's what you need to know. ...more
The male reproductive anatomy includes the bladder, epididymis, penis, scrotum, and prostate gland. ...more
In an uncircumcised boy, the foreskin will begin to separate from the tip of the penis. This happens naturally while the boy is a baby. This is called foreskin retraction. ...more
Teen dating violence is worrisome. But it's not inevitable. Here's how you and your teen can prevent possibly unsafe situations and reduce the risk for problems. ...more
 Puberty: Teen Boy in Male Sexual Development
During puberty, a teen boy will grow taller and heavier, and hormones will lead to sexual maturity. Read on to learn what to expect. ...more
Epididymitis is an inflammation or infection of the epididymis. This is a thin, coiled tube that sits on top of a male testicle. In younger boys, this condition can be caused by a urinary tract infection. In older boys and teens, it's often caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI). ...more
A varicocele is when veins in the scrotum have become large and swollen (dilated). The condition is like varicose veins that occur in the legs. Here's what you need to know. ...more
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesSee All
A detailed look at STIs and teens, from protection and treatment to different types of STIs. ...more
Women suffer more frequent and severe symptoms from STDs. Some STDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to both infertility and ectopic pregnancy. ...more
The only safe sex is no sex, most healthcare providers say. But certain precautions and safe behaviors can reduce a person's risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. ...more
A detailed look at STIs and teens, from protection and treatment to different types of STIs. ...more
Women suffer more frequent and severe symptoms from STDs. Some STDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to both infertility and ectopic pregnancy. ...more
The only safe sex is no sex, most healthcare providers say. But certain precautions and safe behaviors can reduce a person's risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. ...more
Eating DisordersSee All
 Bulimia Nervosa in Children in Eating Disorders
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder. A child with bulimia overeats or binges uncontrollably. This overeating may be followed by self-induced throwing up (purging). ...more
 Anorexia Nervosa in Children in Eating Disorders
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. It is a form of self-starvation. Children and teens with this health problem have a distorted body image. They think they weigh too much. ...more
 Bulimia Nervosa in Children in Eating Disorders
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder. A child with bulimia overeats or binges uncontrollably. This overeating may be followed by self-induced throwing up (purging). ...more
 Anorexia Nervosa in Children in Eating Disorders
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. It is a form of self-starvation. Children and teens with this health problem have a distorted body image. They think they weigh too much. ...more
Mood DisordersSee All
 Major Depression in Teens in Mood Disorders
Major depression goes beyond the day's normal ups and downs. It involves a teen's body, mood, and thoughts. It can affect and disrupt eating, sleeping, or thinking patterns. ...more
 Bipolar Disorder in Teens in Mood Disorders
Bipolar disorder is a type of depression. A teen with bipolar disorder often has extreme mood swings. These mood swings go beyond the day's normal ups and downs. ...more
 Major Depression in Teens in Mood Disorders
Major depression goes beyond the day's normal ups and downs. It involves a teen's body, mood, and thoughts. It can affect and disrupt eating, sleeping, or thinking patterns. ...more
 Bipolar Disorder in Teens in Mood Disorders
Bipolar disorder is a type of depression. A teen with bipolar disorder often has extreme mood swings. These mood swings go beyond the day's normal ups and downs. ...more
Alcohol and Tobacco See All
On college campuses across the U.S., many students ages 18 to 24 are taking part in a dangerous activity called binge drinking. This means drinking alcohol to the point of getting drunk. Read on to learn more about the risks. ...more
Binge drinkers are most likely found on college campuses, where many students consider a big game or fraternity party an excuse to drink all weekend. ...more
 Smoking in Alcohol and Tobacco
Ninety percent of new smokers are children and teenagers. In many cases, they are replacing the smokers who quit or died prematurely from a smoking-related disease. ...more
Read on for tips to help keep your children from smoking....more
On college campuses across the U.S., many students ages 18 to 24 are taking part in a dangerous activity called binge drinking. This means drinking alcohol to the point of getting drunk. Read on to learn more about the risks. ...more
Binge drinkers are most likely found on college campuses, where many students consider a big game or fraternity party an excuse to drink all weekend. ...more
 Smoking in Alcohol and Tobacco
Ninety percent of new smokers are children and teenagers. In many cases, they are replacing the smokers who quit or died prematurely from a smoking-related disease. ...more
Read on for tips to help keep your children from smoking....more
DrugsSee All
 The Facts About Recreational Marijuana in Drugs
Knowing about marijuana can help you tell if your child or someone else is using it, and help them to get treatment. ...more
 The Menace of Methamphetamine in Drugs
Methamphetamine (meth) is a highly addictive drug. It is related to the legal stimulant amphetamine, but has stronger effects. ...more
 Understanding Cocaine and Crack in Drugs
Cocaine use ranges from once in a while to nonstop. There is no safe way to use the drug. ...more
 All About LSD in Drugs
LSD, also called acid, is one of the most commonly used hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs. ...more
 Primer- GHB, a Club Drug in Drugs
Learn more about GHB, a dangerous and addictive illegal drug. GHB produces a feeling of euphoria and hallucinations. It is popular with teens who go to all-night dance parties. ...more
 What You Need to Know About Heroin in Drugs
Until recently, heroin was not considered a problem among children of middle-class parents. But lately, it has been showing up in new places. Today the typical user could be a person from any race, part of the country, socioeconomic level, or age. ...more
 Cough Medicine Abuse by Teens in Drugs
DXM is a common ingredient in many cough and cold remedies. It's also become a popular substance to abuse by teens searching for a cheap, easy high. Here's what you should know. ...more
 Prescription Drug Addiction in Drugs
Three kinds of prescription medicines are potentially addictive: opioids, tranquilizers, and stimulants. Here's what you should know. ...more
 The Facts About Recreational Marijuana in Drugs
Knowing about marijuana can help you tell if your child or someone else is using it, and help them to get treatment. ...more
 The Menace of Methamphetamine in Drugs
Methamphetamine (meth) is a highly addictive drug. It is related to the legal stimulant amphetamine, but has stronger effects. ...more
 Understanding Cocaine and Crack in Drugs
Cocaine use ranges from once in a while to nonstop. There is no safe way to use the drug. ...more
 All About LSD in Drugs
LSD, also called acid, is one of the most commonly used hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs. ...more
 Primer- GHB, a Club Drug in Drugs
Learn more about GHB, a dangerous and addictive illegal drug. GHB produces a feeling of euphoria and hallucinations. It is popular with teens who go to all-night dance parties. ...more
 What You Need to Know About Heroin in Drugs
Until recently, heroin was not considered a problem among children of middle-class parents. But lately, it has been showing up in new places. Today the typical user could be a person from any race, part of the country, socioeconomic level, or age. ...more
 Cough Medicine Abuse by Teens in Drugs
DXM is a common ingredient in many cough and cold remedies. It's also become a popular substance to abuse by teens searching for a cheap, easy high. Here's what you should know. ...more
 Prescription Drug Addiction in Drugs
Three kinds of prescription medicines are potentially addictive: opioids, tranquilizers, and stimulants. Here's what you should know. ...more